Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Music Artist

K brings up a few questions that had my brain ticking about not just ads, but music artists. Madonna was one of the pioneers of "sex sells" music. Remember how provocative her music videos were considered?

Then came Brittany Spears and people started to wonder, how young is the music industry going to push it with "sex cells"?

Now today we have Rihanna. Her videos are like none I've ever seen before. Although I have to admit I don't watch music videos often, so maybe I'm a prude when it comes to this. But aren't they border line too much?

The bigger question is who's behind this? Is it the producers, or the artist? If it's the artist I completely respect her right to show off her body however she pleases. However, when it becomes the producers, something about a removed group of people deciding that a performer should be half naked in a video making moaning noises, concerns me.

What makes it ok? What makes it wrong? Like K says, where is the line?

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