Monday, February 7, 2011

The Super Bowl

I admit my favorite part of the super bowl (besides the food and beer) are the ads. I find this ironic, because last night as I watched through my new Playing with Cards outlook, most of the ads were directed towards men (with very good reason since the target audience is majority male).

Then why do I like the ads so much? Here's an example of one of my favorites from last night:

It's the sense of humor. I downright love the stupid, over the top, border line slapstick humor of the Super Bowl ads. Does that mean I have the sense of humor of a man? Sometimes I think yes I do, and then I wonder if this is why I get along well as "one of the guys" with the cards I play. I understand men and women can have different levels of sensitivity, but I guess when it comes to humor, I tend to lack that. Funny is funny. I try not to worry about caring when I'm laughing.

This probably puts me in the "bitch" category, and perhaps I am one, but isn't that what we call successful women these days?

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