At our office we have serious issues with the dishes in the sink. Somehow K and I became the office dish washers, because we seem to be the only people it bothers.
Until someone else notices. But they don't ever wash them, they just send an email out requesting a wash. Since no one else will bight the bullet, K and I end up washing them.
I don't know about other offices, but how come at ours, no guy ever offers? Well today I pitched a fit and claimed that the guys love to point out what needs to be washed, but they never actually wash them.
Then the unbelievable happened. One of our junior level account managers washed the dishes. Then he sent out this email:
The bigger issue is why it's always the females of our office who end up washing the dishes. Part of my theory is that K and I happen to be people who don't talk about it, but we do it. Instead of complaining, we fix it. That is not gender specific though. I think what might be gender specific is that we care. Women tend to care about little things, and somehow the men don't even see the dishes. Or smell it. One might even argue that they just expect one of us women will clean them, because that's what usually happens.
Either way, today that guy made me smile. Thanks for washing the dishes!
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