The Boston Business Journal posted an article yesterday highlighting female executives and their advice on how to advance as a female in the corporate world. I pulled some of my favorite quotes:
"We need to give ourselves a break and acknowledge that no one can 'have it all' at every moment of every day. I think 'having it all' is as much a myth as the fairy-tale prince, and it can pressure women into feeling that they must achieve perfection in every facet of their lives. We need to set realistic goals, balance our professional and personal lives in ways that matter to us as individuals, and recognize that there are many definitions of success."
- Sandy Lish, Principle and founder, The Castle Group
"The workplace is full of incredibly talented women also pursuing family life, elderly care, education, etc. Today's knowledge economy, combined with the latest telecommuting and remote workplace technologies, means there is no reason not to provide flexibility to employees - female and male. Face time is not a good substitute for impact, and a life that works means a leader who works hard and well."
- Tiziana Dearing, CEO, Boston Rising
"Exclusion of women from the ranks is insidious but not willful. Tips to prevent it include: (1) incentivizing men and women to mentor, share networks, offer exposure to decision-makers and recruit from the pipeline of women, (2) eliminating double-standards such as 'maternity leave' and 'flextime' versus men's 'family leave' or 'time off,' and preventing men from shirking flex-time pays for flex-hours, and (3) training women in rainmaking and leadership. Organizations must create an environment where women can advance."
- Lisa Cukier, Partner, Burns & Levinson
Read more: Women execs talk advancement | Boston Business Journal
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