Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
#WWedsChat with Adclub: Q3
Work It at the Gym!
Female execs talk advancement
"We need to give ourselves a break and acknowledge that no one can 'have it all' at every moment of every day. I think 'having it all' is as much a myth as the fairy-tale prince, and it can pressure women into feeling that they must achieve perfection in every facet of their lives. We need to set realistic goals, balance our professional and personal lives in ways that matter to us as individuals, and recognize that there are many definitions of success."
- Sandy Lish, Principle and founder, The Castle Group
"The workplace is full of incredibly talented women also pursuing family life, elderly care, education, etc. Today's knowledge economy, combined with the latest telecommuting and remote workplace technologies, means there is no reason not to provide flexibility to employees - female and male. Face time is not a good substitute for impact, and a life that works means a leader who works hard and well."
- Tiziana Dearing, CEO, Boston Rising
"Exclusion of women from the ranks is insidious but not willful. Tips to prevent it include: (1) incentivizing men and women to mentor, share networks, offer exposure to decision-makers and recruit from the pipeline of women, (2) eliminating double-standards such as 'maternity leave' and 'flextime' versus men's 'family leave' or 'time off,' and preventing men from shirking flex-time pays for flex-hours, and (3) training women in rainmaking and leadership. Organizations must create an environment where women can advance."
- Lisa Cukier, Partner, Burns & Levinson
Read more: Women execs talk advancement | Boston Business Journal
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
How do you reach a woman?
I pulled this from an article I read on BzzAgent's blog today. They make an amazing point about how marketers don't seem to be targeting women, yet women control 85% of the purchase decisions in a home. So what's the problem? This "problem" happens to be one of the major reasons T and I started Playing with Cards - THERE'S NO FEMALE CREATIVE DIRECTORS. According to the article, only 3% of advertising agency creative directors are women, making the creative side of advertising heavily male dominated. Maybe agencies should really think about who they're trying to reach when they looking to hire the people in charge of doing it.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Hail to the "Tech" Female
An article popped up today on BostonInnovation talking about how "2010 marked the first year that women became the majority of the US workforce. At the same time, the technology industry is thriving in this digital era. Data shows that women make strong leaders and company founders, often bringing more efficiency and profitability to the table than men. So, why is it then that women are still largely absent from this sector?"
Here are some snapshots from their infographic:
Click here to see more
Equal Pay Day
New Zealand: February 18.
European Commission: March 5: 17.5% pay gap
Switzerland: March 11: 19,3% pay gap
Canada: March 18
Germany: March 25: 23% pay gap
Belgium: March 30: 26% pay gap
Austria: April 14: 27% pay gap
France: April 15: 16,5% pay gap
This video is part of Belgium's campaign for Equal Pay Day:
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Women's Leadership Forum
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Sexual Harassment on Business Trips
I found this article recently on the New York Times that talked about how women deal with sexual harassment on business trips. One of the main issues with sexual harassment, generally speaking, is that women simply don't report it. Ironically enough, my last post was about how people who speak their minds are called a bitch. Similarly, women who speak up about sexual harassment are "problems."
A group of young women from around the world started an organization called Hollaback!, which uses social media and crowd-sourcing to raise awareness about the issue. It's basically a storytelling platform for women who have experienced sexual harassment. I think it's an awesome way to give women a voice - check it out!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How can you support Int'l Women's Day?
International Women’s Day is a big deal. And this year it is celebrating its 100th birthday. International Women’s Day (IWD) takes place on March 8, every year. It’s a time not just to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide but to raise questions about discrimination, equality and basic human rights.
The day’s etiquette, like most holidays, is understandably vague: How do you publicly show your support? Is there a color to wear, petition to sign or event to attend? While some may choose to shower appreciation on their female loved ones, social media offers a bunch of ways to show your support for a variety of social good initiatives focused on women’s rights.
Below you can find some interesting social good campaigns ranging from Twitter auctions to Daniel Craig dressed in drag (yes, really). The common thread, however, is the desire to not only “love” but to make an impact. Let us know in the comments what other sites and campaigns you’ve found, and share how you’ll be celebrating International Women’s Day.
What You Can Do: Read More
Friday, March 4, 2011
Women, where are you? SXSW 2011
Women in technology is perhaps the easier topic to handle given the issue has received mainstream attention this year from TechCrunch and the Wall Street Journal. Personally, I think the issue is bubbling up because of two reasons: for one, women have always been entrepreneurial and now it’s easier for them to create “tech startups” that might appeal to other women and men without requiring deep technical expertise on their parts or on the parts of their audience (I am not saying women can’t be technical demigods, just that they are underrepresented in the traditionally tech-heavy professions).
The second reason is that those who build and create consumer businesses are realizing that their audience is no longer comprised solely of male geeks, but a wider swath of humanity that includes women, and so designing products and services that appeal to them and put their experiences first can make lots of money (I’m not saying men can’t design perfectly wonderful products aimed at women, just that a female perspective has more value as more women adopt technology). I wrote about the dearth of women last year, but this year, women are getting a share of the spotlight at SXSW. Let’s see how we use it.
I’ve been attending SXSW Interactive for nine years and have seen the conference grow from a relatively manageable festival for the emerging world of web design and blogs to a conference that tries to be all things to almost all of the softer segments of technology and geek culture. As that culture has expanded, so has the show, but the trends bubbling up each year are also good reflections of how the spread of technology is reshaping our culture.